MultiPoint Flammable Gas Sensor System

Black Sand Technology developing and integrating a flammable gas system is a logical evolutionary step.  We are looking to expand into this market utilizing Nevada Nano sensors.


The system will possess the same features, design and engineering that was put into our methane system.

Gasses detected

The sensor is designed to detect the following gasses:

  1. Methane
  2. Butane
  3. Ethane
  4. Hydrogen
  5. Isobutane
  6. Isobutylene
  7. Isopropanol
  8. MEK
  9. Pentane
  10. Propane
  11. Propylene
  12. Acetone
  13. Ethylene
  14. Heptane
  15. Octane
  16. Styrene
  17. Toluene
  18. Xylene
Further information

Visit Nevada Nano's website for information on their flammable gas sensor.


Do we have small emissions events?

Where are our emissions coming from?

Can we identify small emissions before they become significant?

Point detection

Methane leaks occur at known points.

  1. Valve bonnets
  2. Stuffing boxes
  3. Wellheads
  4. Flanges

Our system allows you to economically and precisely identify and take action at the source.  Why wait for the time and subsequently accept the risk of reaching the emission levels that other methods can begin to sense?

Precise leak detection

Leak detection is most effectively implemented where they happen, such as valve bonnets, stuffing boxes and wellheads.

Accurate data

Precise and accurate data needs to be readily and easily correlate to events so they can be identified and minimized.  BST has a vast amount of data acquisition and correlation in and outside of the oilfield.

Data collection and presentation

Data needs to be presented in a timely and precise manner with no false alarms.  BST has years of experience of delivering hundreds of data points an hour to many users through various alerting software's and maps while maintaining the integrity for accurate analyzation.

No batteries

Even when it gets cold, a powered system will still work while current battery technology is not up to the task.  Leaks don't stop when it gets cold and batteries cease to function due to limitations of current technology.  The goal of reducing personnel and keeping them out of harms cannot be satisfied if we are sending people out to change batteries in hazardous winter conditions.


Black Sand Technologies’ system offers a 2 to 6 sensor system to help you find solutions to methane leak and identification.

Simple yet precise

Identify leaks and monitor at the source, not hundreds of feet away.  Leaks are best handled when small, not when they can be seen from space.


We want to work with and provide data within your existing systems.  The proverbial wheel doesn't need to be recreated, but it can run better with data provided by the system.


As we would tell children and others, leave things better than you found them.  Part of that is minimizing impact of our operations by minimizing methane emissions.  As in safety, actions speak louder than words.


Precise, timely and accurate data is needed to take action.  BST will only provide all of the above with experience and sound engineering practices.

Ancillary data

Along with methane readings, the system is also of capable of providing other data that can help you correlate and explain methane emissions.  At the same interval of the methane reading, the following are provided:

  1. Temperature
  2. Pressure
  3. Relative Humidity
  4. Absolute Humidity

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